Archive for March, 2010


March 29th, 2010

Photographing other photographers is similar to what I would imagine doctors feel when they have a fellow doc as a patient ( okay, maybe not quite that intense…) but you know what I’m saying…the pressure’s ON. You want them to walk away from their experience feeling good about the fact that they chose YOU to […]

Beatriz & Dwayne’s Engagement

March 25th, 2010

This session was the first I shot after returning from an inspired week at WPPI in Las Vegas. Aside from a terrible cold & a STRONG desire for fresh air, I walked away from that week with a renewed sense of why I do what I do. I made a promise to myself to break […]

Jennings & Brennen’s Engagement

March 22nd, 2010

Jennings & I go waaaay back. We were best buddies in middle school & danced with the same company throughout high school. If you’re a friend of mine on Facebook, you might have seen the hilarious “dance troupe” shots in my photo gallery. Look closely & you’ll see Jennings in there too… (hint: she’s the […]

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