06.03.2009 | filed under: Uncategorized

One of my favorite KKP kids, Miss Marissa turned 2 recently & I bought her a cupcake to celebrate. She REALLY liked it. ( I’m still cleaning pink icing off the studio walls! ;) Happy Birthday sweet Rissa!


Comments: 8    leave a comment

  1. So cute! Those big brown eyes!!!

  2. PREEEEEEEEEEEcious! (that’s precious)

  3. This is so adorable. Love love love it. Beautiful.

  4. How sweet! I LOVE those eyes!

  5. Thanks for making me smile!! :)

  6. How do you say no to this face??? Kellie–these are precious and so revealing of my Marissa! Love her eyes, cheeks, lips….thank you!

  7. AHH!!! Could that be any more adorable?!?!

  8. […] Everyone should celebrate their 3rd birthday running through a sun-drenched field with purple balloons. Happy Birthday Miss Riss…xoxo! […]

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