Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


September 29th, 2011

I’ve gone back & forth about whether or not to post this, and after a lot of soul-searching, it just seems right to share. I built this business on honesty & integrity, and this is something I can’t hide from or pretend never happened. Two weeks ago I was rushed to the hospital with severe […]

the Botzis brothers

April 14th, 2010

I adore these boys. I’ve been documenting little snippets of their life for the past 3 years & somewhere along the line, they just stole my heart. Benjamin is the oldest & definitely the lover of the group. You might even recognize him from one of the blog banners above. The kid that looks like […]


March 29th, 2010

Photographing other photographers is similar to what I would imagine doctors feel when they have a fellow doc as a patient ( okay, maybe not quite that intense…) but you know what I’m saying…the pressure’s ON. You want them to walk away from their experience feeling good about the fact that they chose YOU to […]

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