11.01.2009 | filed under: Uncategorized

Its been a tough month. At the first of October, we had an air-quality test for our home & the results were pretty scary. We had a pipe burst in a bathroom upstairs & as it turns out… it did more damage than we thought. At the time of the test, Noah was taking 5-6 breathing treatments a day, so we knew something HAD to be causing it. The results from the air quality test revealed we had been breathing in toxic mold unknowingly. NOT the best news for a family with an asthmatic child :( We had to abandon our home while the remediation crew tore out our walls & floors ( remember the movie “Outbreak” with Dustin Hoffman? yeah, it was like that..guys in white suits with masks..the whole nine yards.) Thankfully my parents live just a few miles away & had a completely vacant 2nd- story they could offer us. I have no idea where we would be without their help…so mom, dad, if you’re reading this…thank-you for putting up with our crazy schedules & the eaaarrrrly mornings… we love you and are so very lucky to have you in our lives. We owe ya one… ;)

So here we are a month later…3 weeks of which was spent living with my parents in the home I grew up in. It was interesting to say the least. The kids went to school in mismatched clothes & I think I wore the same jeans for at LEAST 2 of those weeks ( though anyone that knows me will tell you, I practically live in one of 3 pair ;) We spent a small fortune eating out & I have NO idea how I met all of our deadlines at the studios! A giant thank-you to my wonderful assistant Leah for surviving the massive number of sessions this month & helping to edit the galleries at mock speed. It has been the busiest month we’ve had here at KKP, so I was a little overwhelmed with not being able to access my home! To all of our sweet clients & friends who expressed concern via facebook & twitter…thank-you. We love every single one of you :)

I thought long & hard about blogging this. With the world in cyber-overdrive its hard to know where to draw the line to protect your family. But knowing what I know, I felt it was important to put this out there: if you’ve had water damage or even a small leak in your home–have it checked for toxins. Living with them can cause a whole host of medical problems..some worse than others. I was shocked to learn that its not NC law to perform a mold test during home inspections! Believe me..its worth it to know. Even if it just saves you the trouble of having to surrender your home to a remediation crew, its worth it. For us its so much bigger than the inconvenience of losing our home. It means a healthier life for our son, Noah. Every day without a breathing treatment is a big deal, and today he had NONE. I can only hope this trend continues :)

As the crew rounds the corner on the construction & we slowly start moving back into our home, I’m reminded how very lucky we are. Through all the inconvenience & battling with the insurance company, I kept reminding myself… we’re ok. We’re still together. We caught it before it got worse. We will get our house back eventually… and strangely enough, I was given the gift of some much needed perspective throughout this experience. My boys are a tremendous source of joy in my life & as much as I love our home, my studios & my business, everything I need is wrapped up in these 2 beautiful little souls. They didn’t complain a single time while we were living with my parents ( actually, I think they loved being with their Nanny & Grandaddy every day ;) and their smiles reminded me that life is wild… and unpredictable… and we’re just along for the ride. I’m just grateful that I have them, and my husband Mark to share every bumpy road with.

Noah slept though the first half of trick-or-treating yesterday, so I took Emery to a field across the street to let him channel his inner Wild Thing. I made their costumes this year ( well, everything except the Max pjs..those came from amazon.com!) They were a big hit throughout the neighborhood & the boys have worn their “tails” all day today :) Hope you all had a magical Halloween!!










Comments: 17    leave a comment

  1. More than precious!!! So cute x a billion!

  2. Just went back and read the story. Wow…that’s ridiculous. I’m so glad things are getting back to normal for you guys. That’s AWFUL!!!

  3. Kellie,

    Thank you for sharing your story and I am glad you caught it in time. I am sorry they had to tear your home home up but it is so wonderful that your boys took it in stride. These times do allow us to see what is truly important in our lives. Thank you for sharing. Your pics are always so wonderful.


  4. You’ve got two great looking boys there. I agree that times of trial and tribulation have a way of showing us the great things we have in life. I’m glad you guys caught the problem and it’s scary how many others might have that problem and never know it. Thanks for sharing your story and your pics especially since we know how busy you are…one mom and busy gal to another…big hugs and can’t wait to meet you :-D

  5. i love their costumes! so so cute!

    thanks for sharing about your home. it’s scary how something little can have such a big outcome. so glad you guys are okay and that you were able to get everything fixed before it was too late!

  6. Oh how I love and adore your children. You are correct they hold so much joy in their little bodies and I’m so lucky to be able to hang around and for them to share their joy with me. The costumes turned out amazing. I love the Emery Snickers face picture classic. Your children are amazing and I love them so very much. I spy a boo bucket hope they weren’t too hopped up on sugar all weekend. ;) Love you guys!

  7. they are beyond ridiculously cute.

  8. Hi Kellie, Did ya have to make me cry today??? THANK GOD you found the source. I’m sure it was/is so hectic for you. I feel relief for you! Pix are precious–they remind me a little of darker versions of Marky! Someday I will graduate to costume maker–you win first prize! Thanks for making me feel a little guilty! xoxoxo

  9. ps–We need to put the one of them hugging in the salon!

  10. Oh Kellie Kellie, i’m so sorry you have been going through all of this but I am so glad that everyone is better and that you are back in your home! Praying for you always! :D

  11. Unbelievably magnificent children and oh yes, the costumes are also terrific. Your father and I will always be here for you, Mark and the boys. That’s what a family is all about. I’m so proud of each one of you. Kellie you are so beautiful and strong and talented. Your children and your photography are an amazing gift to us. Thank you for Noah and Emery…they are the cutest wild thing and Max that I have ever seen!

  12. Thanks for the support everyone! I read the comments to the boys & they said I have the nicest blog friends EVER… :) So true!

  13. That’s a Halloween to remember. I know you’re glad your ordeal is finally over. Those two should’ve starred in the movie! Great shots.

  14. Oh my! Kellie I had no idea! You handle life with such grace that I never even knew! I hope things are getting back on track quickly for you! ps – those boys are absolutely ADORABLE! I would have given them ALL my candy if they had knocked on my door!

  15. Oh what a precious blog post. I hate that you had to go through all that but like you said its the crazy trials in our life that bring true perspective. What a wonderful Halloween. I can’t get enough of Emery and the cat pictures. He is quite the Wild Thing. Thanks for sharing these and I hope life is back to normal for you all now.

  16. These are so cute! I love your photos. I interned at the Greensboro News&Record over the summer and took some pictures of Mark for the paper, and he said to check out your website. I’ve recently started up my own little wedding photography business as well, but if you ever need a second shooter, I’d be happy to get some more experience.

  17. How did I miss this blog submission?! Those were fabulous costumes, it must be a good feeling to know that you have a fall back career in costume design ;) Give my nephews a big hug!

10.28.2009 | filed under: engagements

Ellison & Jeremy flew in from Chicago to their hometown of Edenton, NC for their engagement session. During the 4 hour drive to the home Ellison grew up in, I was wishing, hoping, praying that it would stop raining. It never did, but as it turns out… there’s something motivational about being challenged by the rain. It forces you to get realllly creative….and really wet :) Thankfully Jeremy had the forethought to bring along an umbrella. It was not only a fabulous prop for the shots, but the only thing keeping my gear from getting soaked!! ( a big thank-you for that, Jeremy!!) If only we had video of the 3 of us crammed under it, cracking up. It was a total riot. I feel like the luckiest photographer around to have clients who will stand in the rain, climb on haystacks, and have a smile on their face the whole time…

They are without a doubt the perfect fit for me…adventurous, fun-loving and generally amazing. Can’t wait for their wedding in April!! ellison_jeremy_canoe





After getting completely soaked on the dock, we ducked into an old cotton mill to dry off & found this old couch…love it.


I swear Ellison wasn’t wearing a stitch of makeup…talk about natural beauty…

One of my faves…


Three seconds before the photo on the left, Jeremy face-planted in the hay…. ;) ( sorry Jeremy…couldn’t resist posting this one!!)





Drop us a line to say hello….comments make our day!!!

Comments: 19    leave a comment

  1. Beautiful imagery. I really want that couch!

  2. These are amazing, love the umbrella shots!

  3. Beautiful! The lighting rocks! LOVE the first one!

  4. Unbelievable. Seriously. Especially that first shot. I can’t believe how relaxed they are in the rain. Or so you made them look anyway!

  5. I love these! Way to make the rain work in your favor. The processing and the rain just give these such a nostalgic romantic feel. I love that her name is Ellison. That is actually my maiden name and I have never met someone else with that as their first name. Super cool!

  6. pure gorgeousness. i just did a shoot with umbrellas because of all the blasted rain…but they make for amazing photos :)
    you rock!

  7. so so awesome!

  8. Beautiful… I love the first one, the one in the field, and the few on the hay barrel. I love your style & processing!

  9. Kellie! These are so amazing…we love you right back for turning a gloomy, rainy day into such a memorable experience – full of laughs, lots of laughs! The light quality is simply incredible, and you truly captured ‘us’ in the middle of the raindrops and crazy-alternate plans. Serendipitous weather and one incredibly talented photographer came together to ultimately make these possible. Wow. I am a little speechless that those pictures are actually of us. We love them! Thank you for being you…

  10. These are so beautiful and fun! I am sitting here with tears in my eyes… You captured Jeremy and Ellison perfectly! Aren’t they the greatest?! Wonderful work! I absolutely love photo #10!

  11. Those images with the haystacks are perfection! And I’m with Anne…if that couch needs a home, I am happy to give it one :)

  12. outdone yourself yet again. so lovely!

  13. These are all wonderful! Of course, the subjects are wonderful!

  14. Wow! Perfect photos from a “not so perfect” weather day. Incredible shots of a wonderful couple that went for a non-traditional backdrop and it worked beautifully. Great job, great subjects, and yes, I am somewhat biased but it’s true nonetheless.

  15. We still look at every thing you do! Love this! -Mandy

  16. LOOOVE your work! You would be the photographer I would hire when my son gets married. (He is only 3 years old right now! Notice I am the one choosing the photographer already.)

  17. […] ideas, a “rainy day” theme is one that’s both cute and unique, like these by Kellie Kano Photography, which features couple Ellison and […]

  18. […] first time I visited Edenton for Ellison & Jeremy’s ( very rainy! ) engagement session, I fell in love. Even through the torrential downpour we were blessed with that day, I was struck […]

  19. The processing and the rain just give these such a nostalgic romantic feel. I love that her name is Ellison. That is actually my maiden name and I have never met someone else with that as their first name.

10.26.2009 | filed under: Uncategorized

My approach to kids portraits is simple. I just let them..be them. Sometimes it works…and sometimes, well… not so much ;) But that’s what I love about these sessions. I would rather have total chaos, than a child sitting “cheesing” for the camera. Childhood should be filled with tickle fights in the grass, bubbles flying and lots & lots of laughter. So that’s my goal with each of these sessions….to capture a little slice of the magic that childhood holds.

I WISH we had video of this session. There was no shortage of chaos, but it was worth every single “NO” from Henry to get this photo below: it was a split second of hugs & laughter..then BAM! he didn’t want anything to do with his sister ;D

LOVE it.







After his outfit change, Henry decided to take a new approach to the photos… gotta love it ;)


Comments: 5    leave a comment

  1. OMG!!!! Love them – You did a great job! Thanks for being so patient. They are “two of a kind”!! Thanks and love to you and yours.

  2. I love each picture in a special way!!!! I know it was a challenge with Henry, but you captured him in his “3 year old” moments for sure. The one with him eating the grass makes me laugh out loud…..love it! Annie is just sweet as ever! Thanks again Kellie, it was a fun afternoon. I can’t wait to see more! Have a great week!

  3. Beautiful children with a mind of their own….hmmm…wonder if it runs in the family? Great job Kellie capturing the spirit of these two gorgeous children. That first shot is priceless.

  4. Too cute! The second to last cracks me up!

  5. What can I say? You captured every single thread of their personalities! How do you do it? What an incredible artist you are….never forget just how much we appreciate your work! I just love these two and the pictures say it all! Love You!

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